
What is a Spiral Curriculum and how does it apply to Kehillah?

In a spiral curriculum, key concepts are presented repeatedly, but with increasing depth and complexity each time. Students are introduced to topics in early childhood and then build on them as they progress through elementary school and junior high. Each year, the students will continue to build on their prior knowledge.

We have created a two-year spiral curriculum for Kehillah in which all grades will learn about the same modules or topics at the same time, but at levels that are age-appropriate. Each school year is divided into three eight week modules.

Wise Temple’s spiral curriculum features cutting edge resources tailored to our specific needs and goals by an expert in Jewish experiential education. The curriculum also includes elements of Project Based Learning, in which classes explore the topics at hand through group projects which build community through cooperative collaboration.

Each Sunday morning, students will experience a selection of the following:

Feel valued and appreciated as part of a nurturing and accepting community

This is our overarching goal, hopefully met by all enrichment.

Make Jewish friends

Team Building, Socials.

Find meaningful ways to connect to our tradition and feel Jewish today.

Torah play, Teva, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Music.

Explore spirituality and celebrate the rhythms and passages of life through a Jewish lens

Torah Play, Music.

Care about others and make a difference in the world.

Teva, Team Building.

Know that being Jewish means different things to different people.

All – the variety of enrichment experiences reflect the variety of ways people connect to Judaism.

Gain Jewish wisdom, knowledge, and values

Torah Play, Teva.

Gain wisdom from each other

Torah Play, Performing Arts, Team Building.

Learn in a supportive environment that stimulates creativity and encourages intellectual and spirtual curiosity.

Torah play, Teva, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Music.

Ask unlimited questions.

All Questions welcome everywhere!