

Confirmation begins with a year of intense exploration of what it means to be Jewish. Our 10th graders grapple with tough questions, build their community and more fully embrace their faith. The Confirmation Class meets on Sunday evenings as part of Shelanu (Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School).

At the conclusion, these bright students design and lead a service at Plum Street Temple. This beautiful and inspiring service marks, at both an individual and a group level, the chosen commitment to live a Jewish life beyond the student’s bar or bat mitzvah.

This beautiful and inspiring service is a unique opportunity to witness the faith, passion, talent and identity of Wise Temple teens, our future Jewish leaders.

Questions? Contact Rabbi Zachary Goodman (513.793.2556).

"The Confirmation service is led entirely by the 10th graders. I am always spiritually moved by their commitment to Judaism, musical talent, artistic creativity, and passionate ideas. It makes me hopeful about the future."