★ Kol Nidre Teen Experience: Our Lived Reality

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Yom Kippur is an opportunity to examine our missteps individually and societally. Being a student today means confronting the reality of our societal inaction that has perpetuated the reality of [...]

★ YoFI Yom Kippur Service

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

3:30 PM - Brief Yom Kippur service 4:00 PM - Brief open play in Open Room Led by Rabbi Burke, this service is geared especially toward our youngest cohort, infants [...]

★ Rosh Hashanah Teen Program

Wise Center‍ 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village, OH

Open to all teens 8th-12th grades and taking place during morning services, Rabbi Goodman will lead a thoughtful and worshipful experience highlighting the themes of the High Holy Days. REGISTRATION [...]