6:45 PM - 8:00 PM
Wise Center, Amberley
In these difficult times, our high school students regularly face disinformation in social media, in their schools, and even in the circles of their peers regarding Israel. Much of what is proclaimed as “truth” is either not true at all, distorted, or historically inaccurate. We all worry what this means for our teens and their own view of Israel, and even its impact on their Jewish identity.
For this reason, Rabbi Kamrass will teach a session for 9th – 12th grade teens WITH their parents on the history of Israel, aiming to provide content, context, and understanding through which to filter some of the slogans and disinformation surrounding Israel and the war. This session is meant to be attended by both student and at least one parent/guardian, in hopes that it will elicit further conversation within families. Teens will leave with background and information that will help them as they navigate all that has influence upon their thoughts and attitudes.
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