
Inviting you to connect with your community and give feedback

Please join members of the Wise Temple Rabbinic Search Committee in a small group community conversation that will explore how Wise Temple has touched your lives. Your participation ensures your voice will be heard by the search committee, helping to shape how the committee builds a rabbinic application that reflects the congregation’s core values and what members want rabbinic candidates to know about Wise Temple.

Please click on your preferred date and time below to register. PLEASE ONLY REGISTER FOR ONE CONVERSATION. “In person” conversations will take place at Wise Center in Amberley. Links will be provided in a confirmation email for those who register for Zoom conversations. If none of the days and times work with your schedule, please email Jeff Stern at jstern@wisetemple.org and he will follow up should additional conversations be scheduled.

We look forward to your input and are grateful for your participation.



Meetings take place at Wise Center in Amberley.

7/16/2023, 10am

7/17/2023, 12pm

7/23/2023, 10am

7/24/2023, 10am

7/31/2023, 7pm

8/2/2023, 7pm

Zoom links will be sent in your confirmation email.

7/16/2023, 5pm

7/18/2023, 7pm

7/19/2023, 7pm

7/23/2023, 1pm

7/25/2023, 7pm

7/26/2023, 7pm

7/30/2023, 10am

7/30/2023, 4pm

8/1/2023, 10am
