Let’s start our day at the museum off with a private, 1 hour rotunda tour. From there, we will see the special exhibit, Our Shared Story: 200 Years of Jewish Cincinnati.
Did you know that there is a Jewish connection to baseball’s favorite phrase “going, going, gone!”? Our Shared Story: 200 Years of Jewish Cincinnati is celebrating the lasting influences of Cincinnati’s Jewish community on the city we know today.
This special exhibit will allow you to meet the ordinary and extraordinary individuals who shaped our region today. You will discover, or rediscover, the stories of Rabbis Isaac M. Wise and Eliezer Silver, Albert Sabin and Henry Hemlich, the Krohns, Aronoffs and Rosenthals, the origination of Jewish Hospital and SO much more.
Note: The rotunda tour includes stairs that may not be accessible to everyone depending on physical limitations.
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