12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Wise Center Board Room | 8329 Ridge Ave, Amberley Village
Rabbi Kamrass will kick off the summer of Tuesdays with Torah with this three-part series. Fiddler on the Roof was more than a book, a play or a movie. In many ways it was the “script” for one of Jewish history’s most challenging moment of instability and uncertainty. In our three summer sessions, Rabbi Kamrass will take us through the themes of Judaism’s varied responses to the challenges and opportunities of Enlightenment thought, when the world began to open up to Jews, and as we explore the many ways that Jews embraced that moment, and that still shape our thinking and our worldview today. As we look at the characters, we will examine the character of Judaism’s response to modernity: Reforming Judaism, Deepening Tradition, Zionism, Universalism, Assimilation, and others, all seen in the story of Tevye’s daughters.
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