Our Staff

Rabbi Anna Burke


Rabbi Anna Burke has been a proud member of the Wise Temple team since 2023. She moved to Cincinnati in 2018 to attend Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where she earned her M.A. in Jewish Education in 2021 and was ordained as a rabbi in May 2023. While completing her rabbinic studies, Rabbi Burke served as a rabbinic educator for Hillel at Miami University and held the position of Cincinnati Manager for the Jewish Fertility Foundation. In her current role, she takes pride in the YoFI program where she creates meaningful connections with young families through programs and services. Beyond her work with families, Rabbi Burke is dedicated to building relationships with adults across the congregation, fostering a sense of belonging and community through active member engagement. She is continually inspired by the vibrant energy, generosity, and commitment of the Wise Temple congregation, which fuels her passion for strengthening bonds within the community.

Before joining the Wise Temple team, Rabbi Burke lived in Israel for two years, though she is a proud New Englander at heart. Born and raised in Rhode Island, she then received her B.A. in Jewish Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. In her free time, Rabbi Burke loves spending time with her husband, Rand, three-year-old son, Mason, and adorable pups, Callie and Ace.