Yom Kippur Evening Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Kamrass (sermon); Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Goodman (sermon) and Rabbi Hirsch; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist.

Yom Kippur Social Action Mitzvah Project: La Soupe

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Congregants are invited to spend Yom Kippur day at either Plum Street Temple or Wise Center, and participate in a social action project labeling containers for Cincinnati non-profit, La Soupe.

Yom Kippur Afternoon Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur Yizkor Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Yom Kippur N’eilah Service

Plum Street Temple & Wise Center

Plum Street Temple: Service with Rabbi Goodman; Rachel Kobernick, cantorial soloist. Wise Center: Service with Rabbi Kamrass and Rabbi Hirsch; Elana Bell, cantorial soloist. LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE Break the fast following services in both locations.