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Build Care Packages for the Military

Saturday, January 25, 2025

1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Yellow Ribbon Support Center | 4326 Mt Carmel Tobasco Rd

Build Care Packages for the Military

Yellow Ribbon Support Center sends care packages to military members serving our country that include food, health & hygiene items, and reading materials. Inspired by local soldier Matt Maupin, who was taken captive by Iraqi soldiers in 2004 and finally laid to rest back at home in Clermont County in 2008, the project to date has sent over 36,000 packages to troops in harm’s way. Wise Temple volunteers will pack 40 boxes to support this mission.

Space is limited to 15 volunteers ages 8+

This program is full. Please contact Rabbi Anna Burke to join the waitlist at aburke@wisetemple.org


Contact Rabbi Anna Burke at aburke@wisetemple.org